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Low Cost Hong Kong Legal Service

  • For Enquiries, please call 6419-9999 (Henry Chung, Hong Kong Lawyer & Advocate)
    Civil Litigation, Criminal Defence & Mitigation: Fixed fee or hourly rate
    Divorce, Child Custody, Maintenance: $5000 or hourly rate
    Separation Agreement: $2000-$3500
    Bankruptcy: $4500
    Debt Restructuring by IVA or DRP: Fixed fee
    Sale of Property: $4500-$8000
    Notary Public: Fixed fee from $1000
    Purchase of Property: $5500-$9000
    Mortgage or Refinancing of Property: $4500-$8000
    Redemption of Property: $1800
    Deed Poll or Change of name: $500
    General Power of Attorney:$1500
    Special Power of Attorney:$1800 or up
    Wills: $1000-$2000
    Civil Celebrant of Marriages or Marry at Hong Kong law offices: $1900. Visit
    Probate & Estate Planning: Fixed Fee
    Family Trust and Gifts: Fixed Fee
    We have 25 Hong Kong Lawyers, 13 Law Offices.

About Yip Tse & Tang Solicitors & Notaries

  • Hong Kong Legal Service
    Yip, Tse & Tang, Hong Kong Lawyers: Low-cost Speedy Hong Kong Legal Services
    Head of Matrimonial Department: Polly Hui: Divorce, Custody, Maintenance
    Senior Partner:Thomas Tse<: Notary Public, Civil Celebrant, Properties Sale and Purchase, Mortgages
    Managing Partner:Charles Tse: Notary Public, Civil Celebrant, Employees' Compensation Claims, Personal Injuries
    Partner: Bankruptcy, Divorce, Deed Poll
    Partner: Bankruptcy, Divorce, Deed Poll


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  • 律師行:遍佈香港.九龍.新界

    離婚(全無爭議): $4200〡分居協議書: $2000
    破產: $4500〡樓宇買賣: $4500-$9000
    按揭.轉按: $4500〡贖樓: $1800
    改名契:即造: $500〡普通授權書:$800
    簡單遺囑: $1000〡律師樓舉行婚禮: $1900起
    國際公證人 Notary Public: $1000起〡破產期滿証明:$2000


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