HiTRUST.COM (HK) AWARDED Recognized Certification Authority by HKSAR government
The Hong Kong Information Technology Services Department ('ITSD') has granted recognition to HiTRUST.COM (HK) Incorporated Limited ('HiTRUST') as a Recognized Certification Authority ('RCA') under the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553) ('ETO').
Various types of digital certificate services are currently being offered by HiTRUST, ranging from server certificate for SSL secure web site, individual certificates for secure messaging, to device certificate deploying on mobile phone or cable modem.
According to the regulation set in the ETO, only the digital signatures generated by using RCA's digital certificate are regarded as statutory signatures and subsequently under the protection of the ETO.
Being a RCA, according to the voluntary recognition scheme for certification authorities under the ETO, it is regarded to be qualified in protecting consumers' interests and in general enhance public confidence in electronic transactions.
Aspects concerned are Certificate Practice Statement, certificate generation and issuance procedures, liability and insurance coverage, disaster restoring plan, information security, facilities security, personnel security and corporate financial viability, etc.
Under the ETO, ITSD needs to maintain a disclosure record for each recognized certification authority. The disclosure records for HiTRUST can be found on the ITSD web site at https://secure1.info.gov.hk/itsd/english/caro/esub43.htm.