Assignment of .hk Domain Names
Starting from 1st June 2001, .hk domain names became transferable. Such transfer is subject to the registration rules or agreements, including the subject of the transferee to the Registration Agreement and the Dispute Resolution Policy. As HKDNR has restricted the use of to commercial organisations, to holder of a Public Non-exclusive Telecommunication Service licensee (IVANS/ISP licence holder), to non-profit making organisation, a transfer must be effected to a transferee having the same legal status.
The usual format of the transfer of a domain name is by way of an assignment. An assignment is preceded by an agreement unless the parties can have all the documents and the purchase consideration exchanged simultaneously. As the execution of an assignment does not complete the whole process of the transfer, the purchase consideration should preferrably be held by the vendor's solicitors as stakeholders in escrow pending the updating or the domain name service (DNS) server hosted by the HKDNR. The vendor would be entitled to the release of the purchase consideration to him once the DNS server has been updated with the purchaser's name.