Yip, Tse & Tang, Hong Kong Lawyers: Low-cost Speedy Hong Kong Legal Services
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    Managing Partner:Charles Tse: Employees' Compensation Claims, Personal Injuries
    Partner: Bankruptcy, Divorce, Deed Poll
    Partner: Bankruptcy, Divorce, Deed Poll


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HKSARG 'Electronic Submission of Forms' (e-Form)

The "Electronic Submission of Forms" (e-Form) was launched on 25 May 2001.

E-Form is a Government initiative to facilitate the public to make electronic submissions to Government and provide more public services on-line. The service attempts to make use of the ubiquitous nature of the Internet and hence enabling citizens to fill-in and submit forms to Government electronically anytime and anywhere for government services. Such service would basically require the use of digital signature issued by a recognised certification authority e.g. Hong Kong Post although individual government departments make adopt other means of authenticating the user's identity.

The Government promotes the use of e-Form by referring to the benefits of using it. They are:

1. Efficient : you can fill in and submit Government forms electronically on an anytime anywhere basis;

2. Secure : you can encrypt the e-Form to protect the confidentiality of the information submitted;

3. Authentication : you can use a digital certificate to sign the e-Form;

4. User-friendly : there are step-by-step guidelines to help you complete the e-Form.

Reference web-site: http://www.igsd.gov.hk/eform/

Electronic Service Delivery Scheme

The Electronic Service Delivery (“ESD”) Scheme is a key initiative under the “Digital 21” Information Technology Strategy. ESD is intended to be an innovative way for the delivery of public services to the community through the Internet and other electronic means. The 1st phase of the ESD scheme was launched in late 2000.

Reference web-site: http://www.esdlife.com

What is the Digital 21 Strategy?

The strategy aims:

1. To set out our vision, initiatives and targets of how Government, business, industry and the academia can work together to make Hong Kong a leading digital city in a globally connected world.

2. enable safe and secure electronic transactions by providing a framework for ensuring the integrity of information exchanged and for authenticating the identity of participants in such transactions

Initiative by HKSAR Government

In 1997 the HKSARG Chief Executive, Mr. TUNG Chee Hwa has set a vision for Hong Kong to be "a leader and not a follower in the information world of tomorrow", and to use information technology (IT) to retain our competitive edge and to drive overall economic expansion.

In the Policy Addres by Chief Executive in 1998, the Chief Executive has again revealed its intention to “use information technology to help HK retain its competitive edge and to drive its overall economic expansion”. As a result, the HKSAR Government released its technology development plan known as the “Digital 21 Strategy”.

The Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau (ITBB) was set up in 1998 for the furtherance of that vision. From then onward, the HKSARG began to formulate policies regarding telecommunications, IT and broadcasting altogether through ITBB. This approach is considered to be pragmatic in the light of imminent convergence of telecommunication, computer and broadcasting. Such convergence is made happened owing the globalisation of telecommunication network, the emergence of the Internet and the digitisation of communications and broadcast.

The 1998 Digital 21 Strategy is orchestrated by and its execution by ITBB. According to ITBB, "the primary focus of the 1998 Digital 21 Strategy was to build capabilities and infrastructure to support a thriving information economy, and to create a strong foundation for growth in the use of IT. The strategy included a visionary programme of initiatives that were designed to create an environment for the information economy to thrive by encouraging businesses and consumers to participate, and to exploit opportunities, in this new information economy. The objective is to develop Hong Kong into a leading digital city in the globally connected world. "

Reference web-site: http://www.info.gov.hk/digital21/e_index.html


  • 香港律師辦理分居離婚
  • 1083 改名契
  • 灣仔網站
  • IVA債務重組、低息還債
  • 遺產承辦、遺囑、立平安書、財產計劃
  • 醫療疏忽索、診斷失誤償
  • 香港電子法律書介
  • 刑事辯護、求情和保釋法律服務
  • 按揭、物業轉按、物業加按、贖樓
  • 離婚、撫養權、贍養費、財產分配
  • 8989 網上法律大全
  • 法周刊
  • 工傷索償、交通意外傷亡
  • 葉謝鄧律師行
  • 電子交易、網址糾紛、電腦犯罪
  • 破產網
