Characteristics and Usage of a Smart Card
A smart card has the following characteristics:
1. a memory card or a microprocessor card;
2. disposable or reusable;
3. contact or contactless;
4. single purpose or multi-purpose.
1. access control and identification e.g. propose smart ID card by the HKSAR Government;
2. automatic fare collection for fares e.g. Octopus;
3. industrial automation applications in asset tracking, warehouse and inventory control, facilities and equipment management and manufacturing automation;
4. financial transactions in banking;
5. electronic purse applications in retail stores e.g. Mondex, VisaCash;
6. loyalty program such as frequent flier and frequent buyer bonus plan e.g. Compass Visa;
7. parking;
8. petroleum retail;
9. health care;
10. telecommunications application such as payphones and mobile phones network access.