Recognition Scheme for Certification Authorities (CAs)
The recognition scheme for Certification Authorities (CA) is entirely voluntary to CA. A CA can carry on the business as a CA without getting a recognition status. For instance, Tradelink has been practising as a CA since 1997. In some countries like Malaysia, CA must be licensed by the Government and persons carrying on CA business without a licence is an offence in law.
The benefit of having a recognition status is a recognised CA can have the benefits of the protections given by the Ordinance regarding its liabilities. Besides, a recognised digital signature generated by a recognised CA can have the legal status of a manual signature. Government services obtained under the ESD Scheme requires the use of digital signature given by a recognised CA for the purpose of authenticating the individual's or organisation's identity and to bind their legal commitment.
The recognition scheme is monitored and serviced by the Director of Information Technology Service (DITS) through the Recognition Office of its department.