Universal v. Reimerdes (a.k.a. the NY DVD case)
Eight major motion picture studios brought a suit under the DMCA against defendant, 2600 Magazine to enjoin it from publishing or linking to DeCSS, a computer program that circumvents the encryption on DVDs, called CSS.
According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (eff.org), the case arises from 2600 Magazine's publication of and linking to a computer program called DeCSS in November, 1999 as part of its news coverage about DVD decryption software. DeCSS decrypts movies on DVDs that have been encrypted by a computer program called CSS. Decryption of DVD movies is necessary in order to make fair use of the movies as well as to play DVD movies on computers running the GNU/Linux operating system.
The Movie Studios have sued 2600 Magazine under the DMCA which prevents the publication of programs that can decrypt DVDs or other digital media. Most recently the law was used to frighten a Princeton Computer Science Professor, Edward Felton, from presenting a paper describing how to break proposed watermarks on CDs at a scientific conference.
At issue: Whether fair use, free software, linking and reverse engineering will survive the digital age.