World Wrestling Federation v Bosman
The case involved the registration of the domain name is a decision decided by WIPO pursuant to the UDRP policy.
The Respondent, Bosman was the first person who registered the domain name The registration was made by Bosman in Australia through an Australia registrar who has adopted ICANN UDRP rules.
After 3 days after he has registered the domain name, Bosman offered to sell it to World Wrestling Federation (WWF) for US$1000.
Complaint lodged by WWF with the UDRP arbirator, WIPO. WWF is the owner of the relevant trade mark in the US.
Held by the court:
That the domain name was identical or similar to WWF's trade mark. Bosman did not have any legitimate rights to the domain name. Bosman registered the domain name in bad faith. That was evidenced by his offer to sell shortly (3 days) after the registration. In regard to the element bad faith, it was held that even though Bosman did not set up a website. It was found: that the offer to sell constituted 'use' under the UDRP. In the circumstances, the Court decided to have the domain name transferred to WWF.