Virus Attack and Distributed Denial of Service Attack (dDoS)
The attack by virus poses as an immiment danger to on-line financial services. It would result in downtime on the on-line operation and loss towards customers' data and more important loss of the providers' goodwill and business. Besides, it may generate legal liability towards the financial services providers, stock brokers or financial institutions are all alike.
Malicious virus like Kournikova, Melissa and I Love You are real threats to on-line trading businesses. The viruses can tie up computer networks and crashed e-mail servers resulting to downtime of the businesses and hence huge losses. The on-line merchants are potentially liable for losses owing to consumers or businesses visitors to the web-sites. That is why in recent years, security and legal liability have become one of the major areas of concern to system administrators and business managers. Cyberinsurance can also serves as a way to mitigate the risk among on-line merchants. However, cyberinsurance is far from being a mature product in the cyberspace world. According to Marsh Inc., a leading cyberinsurer for e-business insurance have given a rather comprehensive list on risks of e-businesses. Damage, theft, loss of service remain to be the leading items of concern of e-business participants.